Financial situation: June 2021

Financial situation: June 2021

I shared my last update at the end of May:

Financial situation: May 2021
I shared my last update at the end of April: Financial situation: April 2021I shared my first update in March, then shared another update, and now I’m developing my spreadsheet to follow more things. Financial situation updateIn my March Financial update[…

June income and savings rate:

My June income was €7,609.35 and I haven't transferred anything into savings — I decided to allow myself to spend as much as I'd like this month. I've spent some cash on the appliances for my new apartment, and some money for fun. I still expect to have something left at the end of the month, and I'll move that into crypto.

Savings and Investments status

June savings & investment status

About $10K jump mainly thanks to some RSUs vesting which increased my Account A value.

Next month's financial plans

I'm expecting more cash flow next month, due to dividends, various tax returns, as well as a bigger paycheck due to bonuses. I'm not sure about the savings rate though, as it's the main vacation period and I'll be taking at least three or four trips.  I'll allow myself some indulgence during these two months and then return to saving north of 50% in September.

Carry on.

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